
Not Going For 501(c)(3) Status

Feedback from the Faulkner hospital was that most people who want to listen to music already has some sort of device, whether it’s an MP3 player, tablet or phone. Based on this feedback I will no longer be actively seeking donations for MP3 players and I will not be going for 501(c)(3) status. This doesn’t mean that absolutely everyone has a device. I know that some seniors are still intimidated by the technology and need a little help getting started. If you know of someone who is going into chemo and doesn’t have a device to play music or listen to audiobooks then please try to help them if you can. If you need any help with music or players don’t hesitate to contact me.

Please check with your local chemo facility to see if there is anything they need to make the patients more comfortable. Sometimes the patients just want to talk about their fight because they’re scared so all you have to donate is some of your time.

Dominic Scolaro


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