A while back Sandisk came out with a new way of marketing music. They put 1000 songs in predefined playlists on a micro-sdhc card, developed an interface to play the songs back on enabled devices, and called it slotRadio™ . Continue Reading
A while back Sandisk came out with a new way of marketing music. They put 1000 songs in predefined playlists on a micro-sdhc card, developed an interface to play the songs back on enabled devices, and called it slotRadio™ . Continue Reading Thanks to K.C. from Canton, MA for donating three Sandisk MP3 players! The players are currently being used by patients at the Good Samaritan Chemo Center in Foxboro, MA. In part 5 I detailed my struggles with all of the chemo induced side effects. One of the worst, and definitely the longest lasting for me is the peripheral neuropatny. Continue Reading G.T. helped get this all started by donating the domains tuneintocancer.org and tuneintocancer.com. Thanks for the encouragement and support! If you have dead iPods that will cost more to repair than they are worth please consider donating them to us. If we can cobble together a few working iPods out of your scrap, those Frankenpods would be fine for sending to cancer treatment facilities. Thank you. You’ve probably heard about some of the possible side effects of chemo or maybe even experienced them yourself. There are lots of possible side effects and unfortunately I experienced most if not all of them. Continue Reading Over the past few months we could tell Kane was changing. He hesitated when climbing the two steps into the house after doing his duty, and occasionally he would vomit for no apparent reason. We thought it was just part of the aging process. Continue Reading And now we come to the tough part. Enduring six months of weekly chemo was unquestionably the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do in my entire life. Continue Reading I don’t remember who referred me to my Oncologist. It was either my PCP or the surgeon. It’s been three years now so things are starting to get a bit fuzzy, especially since my brain is fried from the chemo and the plethora of supporting drugs. Continue Reading When I decided I was going to offer music recommendations on this site, it didn’t take much thought as to which album I would highlight first. Continue Reading As I mentioned in the “Hen” post, I was transferred from one hospital to another in order to have my PCP available. Continue Reading The event leading up to my cancer diagnosis is actually a bit comical, but it saved my life. Continue Reading |
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